Time to step up and pitch in for your community.
There is a movement afoot that has the potential to be the single most important thing you can do for your business, your community and your family. It’s called #MyMoneyStaysLocal.
While some of us may not have noticed, recent events have had a significant impact on how we have spent our money. If we have been lucky enough to have any to spend. Now, as we begin to open up more on the local level, some folks are venturing out and trying to do business with local establishments. And that is a good thing.
Restaurants have been particularly hit hard. Some are not going to survive; some are already gone. Countless others will fold in the coming months either due to limited demand and/or limited ability to make a go of it at half capacity. And gone with them are their hearts and dreams of sharing a piece of themselves through their food. It’s a gift really. A very personal gift that comes from the heart of every restaurateur.
And, when you take a look at the revenue that vaporizes in the process, you can begin to see how critical it is to help these restaurants stay afloat. Give them a call and buy a gift certificate that you can use later if you are not comfortable doing so now. Get a head start on Christmas and secure Gift Cards for some of your favorite people. Doing so will help the community overall by pumping $$$ back into your community. Win - Win.
It looks like we are in for a long recovery and stepping up and dining locally can give your community a leg up.