Monday, August 10, 2020

#MyMoneyStaysLocal - How am I doing?



So, let's see how I can improve my number.

Where can I get what?


Once I grabbed my bank statements I was surprised to find that a whole bunch of my purchases could be done easily, and not necessarily more expensively, locally.  Granted, some things, like printer paper, was a little challenging to find from other than a big chain, but, so much else is available!

I know that making a habit is an important step in behavior change.  And, I want my reflex to be on local not online or at a chain.

So, I started by looking at frequent purchases and mapping out where I can get the same items locally.

  • Health Foods/Organic Markets - Peggy's, Healthfully Yours, Planet Ozone
  • Bowls & Smoothies - Ital Bowls, 3Natives
  • Good Olive Oil - Two Olive Trees
  • Produce - Palm City Produce
  • Fish - New England Seafood 
  • Fresh Herbs for the Garden - Pinder's Nursery
  • Dog Treats/Food - Wagnolia's, City Dog, City Dog
  • Pandemic dresses for Working From Home - Downtown Stuart

Independent restaurants may be the hardest hit business in our area.  They are truly struggling and many of them will not survive.  Social distanced eating is a particular challenge for small restaurants whose margins are already razor thin. 

I very much want them to survive and I look forward to the day when I can have a leisurely meal in their dining rooms.  So, I built a list of my favorite restaurants that offer takeout and/gift cards and put them on my rotation of dining options.  

 Stay tuned for next month when I run my numbers again!  

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Easy ways to support your local economy.

It takes many hands to steer a ship.....

A recent survey by Main Street America found that almost 60% of small businesses saw a revenue decrease of MORE THAN 75%.  And that was as of April 2020.  Certainly, as we small business owners know, things are likely worse now.  Millions of SMBs anticipate closing permanently withing the next few months.

We know that Small Business contributes over 44% to our national economy.  The number is an average, and small communities, like the Treasure Coast,  have an even higher percentage.  How we, as a community, spend our dollars can have a direct impact on the depth and breadth of our recovery.

#MyMoneyStaysLocal is an effort to raise awareness for how important it is to spend locally.  Discover your "Number" by calculating how much of your expenses go back into our economy.  Calculate for your business AND your personal spending.  Then, set a goal for yourself.  How much can you raise your number next month?

You have a powerful message to share with your customers, employees, friends and family when you include them in your messaging on social media, email, in-store that shows your support for local businesses.  Challenge your vendors to do the same. 

SeaShell Digital has a great number yet there is still room for improvement.  My personal number, however, needs a lot of work!

Get more information and tools to help communicate how important this is visit:

Working together we can right this ship.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Restaurants! Look Here!

Hungry for More.

Your customers are hungry.  For more dining options.  For information on your sanitizing efforts.  And for easy access to your menu.

A recent study by Florida International University's Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management has identified a couple of trends that Restaurant owners will find interesting.  Some are a bit obvious and others will require a bit of creative thinking!

Let's dive in:
  • Transparency and Communication
    • Make it clear that you are following new protocols for Restaurants.  Make your cleaning practices visible.  Maybe have staff disinfecting quickly after diners have departed.  Wear masks properly.
  • Innovation and Creativity
    • Restaurants all over are adapting to our changing environment and consumers are reacting well.  Consider "Family Meal" bundles that can be reheated and/or frozen.  Offer Groceries and recipes for your most popular offerings.
  • Contactless Technology and Virtual Presence
    • Consider implementing Google Pay and other services to help make your interactions contactless.  Maybe even a Virtual Tip Jar on your website where customers can help out your staff.
Also, make sure your current menu is available online and preferably on your website.  It has got to be easy to see what is available during the crisis.  Perhaps slim down the menu to only the most popular items.  Comfort food is also trending now where customers need a little bit of familiar touches.

"To entice customers back to on-premise dining, tailor your approach to each customer segment:

  • Loyal guests. Encourage loyal customers to return to on-premise dining by sending them personalized messages with critical information: when your restaurants will be open and why they can be confident that it’s safe to come in.
  • Customers who spent their money elsewhere. Some fraction of customers may have shifted their spending entirely to your competitors during the pandemic—or made all their meals at home. Effective marketing levers for this segment could include loyalty-driven price promotions and just-in-time offers featuring the most popular items and personalized favorites.
  • People who became first-time customers during the crisis. To retain these customers, look to initiate them into your loyalty program with a special offer. Also, make sure your digital presence is consistent across platforms: for example, the menu featured on your own app should match the menu on any food-delivery aggregators that these customers may have used during the shelter-in-place period, and should highlight the same family meals they ordered during that time.
  • Potential customers. In a new dining landscape, some customers who previously patronized other restaurants will be “up for grabs.” It’s an ideal time to reevaluate your spending mix with a marketing-return-on-investment (MROI) simulator, which helps determine how to invest marketing dollars across email, social media, search, apps, local mass media, and other channels."
Courtesy of McKinsey.

Keep your head up and your creative juices flowing.  Every change comes with new opportunities and we will get through this awfulness.  And, be better for it.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Why be Grateful in this disaster?

Many days this pandemic has me peeking around corners looking for Rod Serling because our whole planet seems like a very bad episode of the Twilight Zone.  Information flying around from zillions of sources that mainly contradict each other.  Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.  Not more dangerous than the flu, killer of grandmothers. 

Adding to the anxiety that comes with uncertainty, we are also faced with an unprecedented economic crisis.  With no comforting end in sight.  How will we meet our obligations?  What if my company closes for good?  Do I have to go to work if I am compromised?  What if…….

And let’s add to that a social crisis that is boiling over.  Division and Fear seem to be everywhere and that often expresses itself in rage.  People are at the end of their ropes and can’t see a way forward.  Ka Boom.

When first hearing about practicing gratitude I dismissed it as a silly Polly-Anna view of life.  I mean, there are real hard facts of life that are inescapable.  Better keep my eye on that lest it take over and really muck things up..

So, when I ran across a couple of blogs that talked about gratitude, I quickly clicked away.  What on earth do I have to be grateful for.  Lost income, distance from friends and family, heartbreaking news several times a day?  And worse, for me, is the loss of civil and rational discourse about our predicament. 

Though I clicked away, I kept coming back to an article I read last year that talked about the actual changes to the brain that occur when we are feeling grateful.

When the brain feels gratitude, the parts of the brain that are activated include the ventral and dorsal medial pre-frontal cortex. These areas are involved in feelings of reward (the reward when stress is removed), morality, interpersonal bonding and positive social interactions, and the ability to understand what other people are thinking or feeling.
Gratitude also has the capacity to increase important neurochemicals. When thinking shifts from negative to positive, there is a surging of feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. These all contribute to the feelings of closeness, connection and happiness that come with gratitude.

Karen Young,

For me, this makes dismissing the benefits of Gratitude less easy.  These beneficial results of practicing gratitude are now, thanks to modern science, actually measurable.  Your brain changes.  And not in just an anecdotal way.  Just what I need now.

You Don’t Control What Happens,
You Control How You Respond

Don’t know who said it, but it is true.  That is not to say that what happens is not bad and does not impact you in a severe way.  When bad things happen, and continue to happen, the natural response is to surrender to “what I cannot control”.  Expected emotions of hurt, anger, outrage, sadness and even depression are all real.  And you cannot deny them. 

HOWEVER, you can choose how you move forward.  You can wallow in your inaction and self-pity or you can choose another path.  A path that can have a real and long-lasting impact on you and your life.

This is where Gratitude comes in.  It is hard at first to find anything to be grateful for. But there are things you are grateful for.  There are all those things that sound so sappy, like “happy to just be alive”, “grateful for my family”, etc., and there are more specific, personal things like “grateful for having the ability to pursue my dream”, “grateful for having the support of friends”. 

In many ways practicing Gratitude is a skill, a learned behavior.  And the more you use it, the more it becomes a habit that comes naturally.  (Wallowing is a habit too.  But, maybe it is time to move away from it!)  Don’t be fooled thinking those sappy things to be grateful for don’t have an impact, because they do. 

Some of the benefits, in addition to brain changes, include:  determination, attention, enthusiasm, and energy.  Gratitude can improve the symptoms of depression and general overall attitude.  Multiple studies have confirmed the benefits.  Google just a few!

So what exactly is Gratitude? 

While studies show a clear benefit of gratitude, it also makes a clear distinction. Realizing that other people are worse off than you is not gratitude. Gratitude requires an appreciation of the positive aspects of your situation. It is not a comparison. Sometimes noticing what other people don’t have may help you see what you can be grateful for, but you have to take that next step. You actually have to show appreciation for what you have, for it to have an effect.
Alex Korb, Ph.D.

There are lots of ways to begin to practice Gratitude.  So you can start right away! 

Write a thank you note.  To anyone for anything!  Seems sappy, I know.  But, think about how you felt when someone took the time to say thanks.  Were you offended?  Think the other person is a loser?  Or, more likely, you smiled and felt good. 

  • Write down things you are thankful for.  Get a journal, start a file on your laptop and add to it daily, (weekly would work too, only more slowly).
  • Write down things that made you feel good.  Not jump up and down good, just those things that gave you a tiny feeling of joy.
  • Say thank you!  Be specific.  For example, “Thanks for meeting with me” could be more impactful with “You are so busy, I just want you to know how grateful I am for making time for me”.  The benefits are for you and the recipient of the thanks.

Tell those who should already know that you are grateful for them.  Sure, on some intellectual level folks close to you should already know that you value their friendship.  BUT, the impact of actually saying it out loud is very powerful.  Try it!

Over time you will find that your connections are getting stronger and deeper, that you and those around you are more generous, you feel more secure and connected, and you are measurably happier!

The pandemic and its impact will eventually fade and we will have a new normal. And that new normal can include a happier you!

Monday, June 15, 2020


Time to step up and pitch in for your community.

There is a movement afoot that has the potential to be the single most important thing you can do for your business, your community and your family.  It’s called #MyMoneyStaysLocal.

While some of us may not have noticed, recent events have had a significant impact on how we have spent our money.  If we have been lucky enough to have any to spend. Now, as we begin to open up more on the local level, some folks are venturing out and trying to do business with local establishments.  And that is a good thing.

Restaurants have been particularly hit hard.  Some are not going to survive; some are already gone.  Countless others will fold in the coming months either due to limited demand and/or limited ability to make a go of it at half capacity.  And gone with them are their hearts and dreams of sharing a piece of themselves through their food.  It’s a gift really.  A very personal gift that comes from the heart of every restaurateur. 

And, when you take a look at the revenue that vaporizes in the process, you can begin to see how critical it is to help these restaurants stay afloat.  Give them a call and buy a gift certificate that you can use later if you are not comfortable doing so now.  Get a head start on Christmas and secure Gift Cards for some of your favorite people.  Doing so will help the community overall by pumping $$$ back into your community.  Win - Win.
It looks like we are in for a long recovery and stepping up and dining locally can give your community a leg up.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Who Builds Your Website Best?

Need to build a Website?

DIY? Hire a Developer? Both?

First - Consider how consumers find local products and services.

Consumers, just like you, start with seeking advice or drawing on advice you have had in the past.  While this can take many forms:  a neighbor, recent magazine article, news story, movie, etc., folks wind up on the internet.  On Google.

Local search saw a 900% increase in “near me”, “today/tonight” searches from 2016 to 2018.  Local products and services have always been very important but search results have only recently begun to serve them up.  The World Wide Web has turned out to be a bit misleading in terms of the real power of online products and services available locally.

97% of people learn more about a
local company via the internet. 

88% of searches  for local businesses
on a mobile device either call
or visit the business within 24 hours. 
61% of mobile searchers are more
likely to contact a local business if
they have a mobile-friendly site.

Second - Your Competition is online

Check out your competition.  Likely they are online.  This may well be the most compelling reason that you need to have your SMB website up, current and highly usable across all devices.  Looking great, providing accurate information (think hours, address, new products), and usable on a desktop AND phone.

Check out where you currently stand.  Google your products, your services, your name.  What pops up?  Your competition!  You have to be there to compete!

Third - What do you need?  What is your Objective?

What you need is important to decide before you embark on a website.  It impacts your potential costs of development and ongoing maintenance. For example, do you need to sell a catalog of products online?  Or maybe just feature new arrivals and specials?  Do you need a booking/appointment tool?  What about payments?  Collection of email addresses to start building a database of folks you can market to?

Answers to these questions will be the principal drivers for your options in creating a website.  

Essential Considerations Resources

What path you choose will depend on your access to 4 resources.  They can be a bit of mix and match as it relates to your final costs, but each need to be considered objectively.


How much time do you have on your hands?  Do you have time to learn new skills?  Are you up to your ears in other business needs?  When you look hard you will find that you either have the time or you don’t.

Design Skills
Are you good with design?  Colors, Layouts, Image use, Format?  If not, do you have interest in learning about design for the internet?  And, if you have an interest, do you have the time to learn new skills?

Technical Skills 

There are technical skills that go beyond HTML code.  Technical skills come into play with building the actual site as well as launching it, hosting it and more.  Do you code?  Want to learn?  Have time to learn?  Often hosting companies can help with this.  


This is perhaps the easiest resource to identify.  What is your time worth?  Does it make more sense to pay for an expert?

Building, managing and operating your website occurs in five phases; evaluate each and determine what resources you can tap vs. what you lack.

1) Website SetUp - URL selections and purchase.  Hosting of Domain and website. Editing tool.

2) For DIY Tools - Learning how to use the website builder.

3) Design of the layout - from scratch or a template?

4) Content - What information, tools, images will your website have?  What should it have?

5) Troubleshooting and Ongoing Maintenance - Can you stay on top of evolving technical requirements?  Do you have time to keep your content current?  

There is no single answer for every situation.  You are unique, your business is unique.  Your resources are unique.  The only thing that applies to every SMB is the need to be found when folks are looking for your products and services.  They have to find you when they search online, they have to know where you are or where you service, they need to know your hours.  They want to know your rates, specifically or generally.  They need to know what you offer will meet their needs.  They need to see a website that works (most importantly on a phone) and reflects your company and its values.  

Think of it this way, would you change the brakes on your car yourself?  Certainly there are lots of instructional articles and videos out there.  You could always learn how.  Provided you have the time,  an interest and aptitude for mechanical stuff.  Have some technical knowledge and love design?  Give it a shot!  But, take good care of what might be your only opportunity to make a first impression.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Eventually we will reopen for business.  Are you ready?

ReBoot Guide for SMBsWe have all been through the ringer over the last few months.  Uncertainty, shortages, SNAFUs, and, in some cases, well founded panic.  What we know for sure is that we very much want to get moving again.  See our customers face-to-face.  Share a hug.  Laugh.

One silver lining might just be the blessing of more time to spend on our businesses.  We can think about how we want to emerge from quarantine better and stronger.  Right now there are things you can do to better position for the new reality of commerce.  There are even free things!

The Reboot Guide can help you focus on those things your expertise tells you are good ideas for your business.  Not a long read, you just might learn something new!  

And, stay positive!  You Got This!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

I'll say it again!

Why a secure website is so
important to small business websites

Two Colossal Reasons!

Credibility and Trust are paramount for small business and one of the first places consumers come in contact with you, and your company, is through a website.

I don’t understand. What is a Secure Website?

It may sound technical, maybe this will help:

When you open a website on your computer, tablet or phone, you use a browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari to see the information and images on the webpage. This information comes from the website owner’s server (a powerful computer) that contains all the files that make up every page. There are files for text, design of that text, images, styles and much more.

Imagine this process as the Postal Service. As data (files) move from the Web Server to your Browser, it is like the mailman who picks up a letter to be delivered. From the mailbox, next stop is a local office for sorting. Next, it goes to a distribution center where it is sorted again. Then on to the recipients post office for more sorting. Finally the mail carrier brings it to you. ANYWHERE along the route the mail could be looked at, or altered.

There is a Cyber attack every 39 seconds
43% are against SMB

So, among the things that can happen along the way, a website can be hijacked.

Why would I care if my website is hijacked? Sometimes hackers will direct folks to a completely different looking website, typically trying to sell something. Customers and potential customers will not be very happy and will likely attribute the problem to you! Also, and worse for you, hackers may duplicate your website and add items that can collect personal and financial information from your clients that think they are on your website.

What else?


"In the future, we expect to further restrict insecure downloads in Chrome. We encourage developers to fully migrate to HTTPS to avoid future restrictions and fully protect their users. “ Google

Google for a long time has been moving the internet towards a more secure internet. They move this process along, in part, by impacting search results for websites that are not compliant. That could hurt. A lot.

In addition, they are phasing in “Not Secure” notices in various formats for insecure webpages. In the future, they expect to disallow unsecured websites all together. In October downloads of files (images, ebooks, PDFs, etc.) will be blocked.

Is yours secure?

Have a look online. What do you see in the address bar at the top of the page? A little locked padlock? An unlocked one? Locked means you already have the SSL. Unlocked, you don’t.There are many suppliers for obtaining a SSL Certificate for your website and your hosting company will be able to help. Contact your hosting provider and have yours enabled today. You may want to note that some folks charge for them and some folks do not. Caveat emptor.
Don’t hesitate to contact SeaShell Digital with any questions.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

You don't have to be insecure!

There are still a lot of insecure websites out there.  Have you seen them?  Is your website one of them?

Have a look at any browser to see if you have a security problem.  In the Address bar look for a green padlock or similar graphic and, most importantly, look for the "s" after "http" as this indicates that the website is secure.

If you are not secure, a few bad things could happen. 

  1. Your website could be defrauded by someone impersonating your site. (This happened to me last week; I headed for a dog food website and was shown a page of vitamins sold from China!
  2. Personal data could be leaked.
  3. Data transferred to and from your website could be corrupted.
  4. Google and other search engines don't like it and consider it a negative ranking factor.
  5. Potential Customers and Customers landing on your website are likely to have a negative impression of your company.  They may go elsewhere if they perceive you to be unsafe!

Hosting companies offer SSL certificates and they are easy to implement.  Typically the hosting company makes the change quickly and seamlessly.  However, be aware that some companies will charge for this. 

SeaShell Digital designates every website as secure.  Free of charge.  Because we know that, for small businesses, every bit helps.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Important Events From SBA and Score!

Simple Steps for Starting Your Business - Indian River County

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
Do you dream of starting a business? Do you know what it takes to turn that dream into a reality? It takes courage but it also requires knowledge. Let us help you acquire the knowledge to make your dreams of business ownership come true. This interactive two-hour seminar will deal with the key information you need to consider as you move forward.
Indian River County Chamber of Commerce

Simple Steps for Starting Your Business - St. Lucie County 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
Do you dream of starting a business? Do you know what it takes to turn that dream into a reality? It takes courage but it also requires knowledge. Let us help you acquire the knowledge to make your dreams of business ownership come true. This interactive two-hour seminar will deal with the key information you need to consider as you move forward.
IRSC Pruitt Campus

Marketing 101 - Stuart
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST
If you're currently running your business, you believe that you're the best kept secret in town, or you're just not getting the amount of business that you think you should, then sign-up of this workshop!! Thinking of starting a small business? This workshop will give you ideas on how to do your marketing plan and best market your small business.

Simple Steps for Starting Your Business - Martin County
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST
Do you dream of starting a business? Do you know what it takes to turn that dream into a reality? It takes courage but it also requires knowledge. Let us help you acquire the knowledge to make your dreams of business ownership come true. This interactive two-hour seminar will deal with the key information you need to consider as you move forward.
Indian River State College, Chastain Campus

NEW ! Marketing Strategies that Convert to Sales--01/22/2020--C0308
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST
Are you a small business owner that knows good marketing will increase sales, but you're not sure how to get started? Or, how to improve what you're already doing by tracking your marketing results? Then this workshop will be a valuable resource for you. It will focus on how to nurture your leads using a variety of marketing strategies.
Indian River State College Chastain Campus

Simple Steps for Starting Your Business, Series 1, Workshops 2 - 4 --01/29/2020--C0308 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST -to- Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST
Is Starting a Business Right for You? It's time to make the decision to proceed & make your business idea a reality! Simple Steps to Start a Business is a comprehensive, yet manageable series of workshops designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs start & grow successful businesses. Topics include Business Concepts, Marketing, & Financial Projections.
Indian River State College Pruitt Campus

Marketing 101 - Vero Beach
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST
If you're currently running your business, you believe that you're the best kept secret in town, or you're just not getting the amount of business that you think you should, then sign-up of this workshop!! Thinking of starting a small business? This workshop will give you ideas on how to do your marketing plan and best market your small business.
Indian River County Chamber of Commerce

More information and Registration: