Recent research from Accenture Strategy reveals what we probably already know. But is worth repeating!
Consumers satisfaction top three drivers are:
- Good Value for the $$
- High-quality Customer Service
- Competitive Pricing
Our environment today makes it easier than ever to "take your business elsewhere". Frustrations with getting lost in phone mazes when trying to make contact is my personal pet peeve. It seems to me that the phone systems have been designed FIRST for the convenience/needs of the company and NOT the consumer.
Recently I went through seven - 7!! -- transfers before getting disconnected. When I called back I finally reached my destination after 5 transfers and the Rep couldn't help me! Is this any way to run a company? No.
Frustrated, I opened an account with a competitor and the original company has lost my business forever.
It is still important to remember that our customers are our future. Take care of them!
You can see the survey graphic here.